Monday, February 13, 2006

Goose Is a Possum

Lucie has become "The Goose." Lucie. Luce. Goose. You get the evolution. However, according to her day care providers, the girl ain't no avian. The girl would prefer to be upside down and has thus been dubbed "The Possum." We've split the difference. The Goose Possum. Hopefully we won't confuse any naturalists...

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Great Grandma

Although she couldn't quite distinguish between a kiss and, well, a suckle, the love was still there. Grandma was a great host. We sat on her fancy covered porch with the life-size dolls (which Lucie eyed suspiciously more than once), ate some great local food (the Crab Shack is always at the top of Dad's list), and had a great time playing with the funny looking cat, which it turns out is actually a dog.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Great, Great Grandma

The oldest and the youngest. With all the years and life under her floral schmock, Great Great Grandma Helen still mostly marveled at the little things. Like feet. And hands. "Look how small these feet are! I was never that small..." she twanged.

And Lucie? Well, old people are interesting and Great Great Grandma is about as interesting as they get. Great Grandma looks different, moves different, and boy does she have gadgets. She's got stuff in her ears, funky glasses for her eyes, and a really nifty stroller to keep her moving. Of course, as far as Lucie's concerned, every gadget is made to put in her mouth. But it's clear that every one of those gadgets keeps Great Great Grandma sharp and saucy. She's still crocheting doilies, insisting that we not take her to lobster because it's too expensive and she doesn't want to trouble us but if we wanted to take her she really likes that Pasadena Steakhouse, and keeping everybody on their toes. We're hoping Lucie has a few more years to watch the master work...

So, Great Great Grandma greeted the newest little pea from her genetic pod. Hopefully that pea got the genetic material that will keep her chatting and flirting and teasing for another 96 and a half years just like her Great Great Grandma Helen...