No matter how you spell it, it's a festival. Lucie tried to help light the menorah - and the living room. Despite the pyro tendencies, Lucie's first Hannukah was all about the right stuff - family, family, family.

Our annointed "Macabee Elf" had parties at home, in Whitewater with her Aunties Dana and Nini, and at Bubbe and Zadie's.

In addition to gifts, she continued her infatuation with Abby, the Great White Swing, and the Fuzzy Red Pillows. And of course, it's impossible to separate Zadie from Abby, Aunt Dana from the Swing, and Bubbe from the Pillow.

Although I can't imagine what's going on inside Lucie's head, each whirlwind visit must be a wonderful montage of good feelings, images, and new experiences.

And the beauty of Hannukah is that every year will reinforce the previous montage, but then add a new idea, a new emotion, a new insight into her family and culture.

Each year she'll have a more complete picture of herself, her family, and the common ideals that define us. I also expect that she'll find the dividing ideals, which is what makes family gatherings so interesting. Hopefully she'll find a tasteful place to pierce and a hair color that complements her eyes. Purple clashes with blue, but that will be her road to travel.
On the flip side, we'll all get to watch Grandchild Number 1 become a person with us and in response to us. I fully expect the 8 little candles that light this holiday will light her way with the love and tradition they represent.
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